Contributions (Shopify shop)
Configured and customised Perlen-Reich's Shopify store, creating a polished online shop that aligns with their brand and offers an elegant user experience. (Landing page)
Developed a simple landing page for a horse club client. The page's fast loading and mobile-friendly design enhances the user experience by highlighting key information, events, and contact details. (Web-Tool)
Collaborated on AquaSpect, a tool that provides insights into bottled water quality. Led UX design, developed back-end infrastructure, and integrated water analysis algorithms. We created a user-friendly platform that provides personalised health-focused recommendations.

# @techthos/web-performer (Library)
Web-Performer automates and simplifies web requests by allowing for seamless HTTP actions using YML-based definitions. YML setup simplifies manual tasks and enables developers to seamlessly integrate complex HTTP interactions.